#1 Home Selling Strategist

Greg Hague is widely recognized as America’s #1 strategist for selling homes at higher prices.

Greg Hague has been Featured:

The Harvard of How To Sell Homes

For over 40 years, Greg Hague has been recognized for developing and training effective home selling strategy. His latest 12-step process leverages scarcity, social proof, fear of loss, and opportunity to sell homes at higher prices. Multiple independent studies have shown that Mr. Hague’s strategies result in 8%-12% average higher prices for home sellers.

The Seven Basic Plots & The Rule of Three

“A story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but not necessarily in that order.” -Jean-Luc Godard My three-year-old daughter was learning to roast a

You Don’t Live In A Cave

It is the first day of class. Albert Einstein stands in front of a room full of eager college students. Without a word, he begins writing simple

Building A Ferrari

Last weekend Teresa and I were at our vacation home in Sedona. Somehow we got onto the subject of purses and out of curiosity I asked

Put Her In Hot Water

Sara was a good student at Florida State with a dream of becoming an attorney…until she took the dreaded LSAT to determine her aptitude for law

How High Is Your EI?

It’s a frigid, stormy night. The rain is pouring down in sheets, making it difficult to see the road ahead of you. You stop at a

Who Deserves My Loyalty

A father was helping his young son learn to fly a kite at the beach. The son complained, “Dad, I’m at the end of the

A Great Truth

As a boy, his father taught him how to train dogs to “stay on the scent” of a rabbit. In the morning he would set out

Live Your Life Without Them

He comes from a wealthy family, is attending Harvard, and plays ice hockey. Her family is working class but she attends Radcliffe and studies classical

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