#1 Home Selling Strategist

Greg Hague is widely recognized as America’s #1 strategist for selling homes at higher prices.

Greg Hague has been Featured:

The Harvard of How To Sell Homes

For over 40 years, Greg Hague has been recognized for developing and training effective home selling strategy. His latest 12-step process leverages scarcity, social proof, fear of loss, and opportunity to sell homes at higher prices. Multiple independent studies have shown that Mr. Hague’s strategies result in 8%-12% average higher prices for home sellers.


I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years since I released my book, How Fathers Change Lives.  One of my favorite stories that came from the book was

The Spirit of Ubuntu

While a British anthropologist was studying a Zulu tribe in South Africa she observed that the sense of community was unlike anything she had ever

The Only Difference is Diligence

Last Saturday the world celebrated the oldest hand game in human history. Do you know what it is? On August 27th hand gamers around the

Those Giving More

His car was 100% immaculate. His clothes were 100% pressed. His closet was 100% organized. At the office he was 100% work. At home he

The Blind Can See Kindness

In the Victorian Era dresses were so large at the bottom they prevented women from reaching door knobs. That’s how the tradition of men opening

Mona Lisa’s Eyebrows

Pop Quiz: Are the Mona Lisa’s eyebrows black or brown? What is the strongest muscle in the human body? Do men blink more than women,

Influence Others

An “honesty box” was placed on a table in a company break room to collect money for coffee. On the box it said: “$1 per

Keeping It A Secret

He ran a popular saloon, but Prohibition put an end to that in 1918. So he bought a 120 acre ranch and started harvesting grapes

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