#1 Home Selling Strategist

Greg Hague is widely recognized as America’s #1 strategist for selling homes at higher prices.

Greg Hague has been Featured:

The Harvard of How To Sell Homes

For over 40 years, Greg Hague has been recognized for developing and training effective home selling strategy. His latest 12-step process leverages scarcity, social proof, fear of loss, and opportunity to sell homes at higher prices. Multiple independent studies have shown that Mr. Hague’s strategies result in 8%-12% average higher prices for home sellers.

Life Is Like Boiling Water

Candace is struggling. She is going through a bitter divorce, was laid off from a job she loved, and her two kids are fighting incessantly because

Wealth Versus Worth

If you’ve ever traveled by motorcycle, you know stopping for gas can be time consuming. Dismount, take off your helmet and gloves, unzip your riding pants,

That’s The Ticket

The date is January 28, 1896, a frigid Tuesday in the small English village of Paddock Wood. Walter Arnold is feeling frisky, so he decides to

Is Zillow A Ticking Time Bomb?

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person.” Jeff Bezos Last week I wrote an article about the failure of Zillow’s home buying

Profit Is Not The Purpose of Business

Did you hear the news about Zillow? It finally admitted what I’ve been saying for years – its home flip business is a flop.   Zillow’s stock

Illusion of Technology

I’ve read hundreds of business books over the years. I remember when Dad gave me my first one, How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Verbal Oatmeal

At the age of 12 I had become an incessant chatterbox, often to the irritation of my dad, Chubby. One Sunday afternoon in 1960 I was in

Ask A Woman

Sara was a pretty good student at Florida State with a dream of becoming an attorney…until she took the dreaded LSAT to determine her aptitude for

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