#1 Home Selling Strategist

Greg Hague is widely recognized as America’s #1 strategist for selling homes at higher prices.

Greg Hague has been Featured:

The Harvard of How To Sell Homes

For over 40 years, Greg Hague has been recognized for developing and training effective home selling strategy. His latest 12-step process leverages scarcity, social proof, fear of loss, and opportunity to sell homes at higher prices. Multiple independent studies have shown that Mr. Hague’s strategies result in 8%-12% average higher prices for home sellers.

More Mistakes

Two weeks ago I wrote about 6 ways to make better decisions and fewer mistakes.  This is Part II, with a few more proven techniques

Talkin’ Turkey

I love Thanksgiving. No pressure. No presents. Just food, football, family and friends.  For 14 straight years I’ve shared Turkey Day trivia in my Thanksgiving


We all make mistakes, sometimes obvious ones. Why do smart people (like you and me) make bad decisions?  There are proven reasons why we mess

Daylight Saving Time

Growing up in Cincinnati, I was all about Daylight Saving Time.  It meant an extra hour of playing with friends before the streetlights came on,

The Town That Lived Forever

Did you ever wonder if there really is a fountain of youth?  We all know that if we eat better, exercise more, and eliminate stress,

Cities Take Control

Cities across the country are taking control, responding to a surge of citizen concern about the rapid proliferation of non-resident investor owned Airbnb rental operations

Why Uber Shouldn’t Exist

This is an article about a visionary business model that skirted the law, required a new technology, changed the way people travel, and challenged a

The Right To Be Forgotten

Should we have the right to force Google to hide negative things about us (true or untrue) from its search results, making it hard for

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