#1 Home Selling Strategist

Greg Hague is widely recognized as America’s #1 strategist for selling homes at higher prices.

Greg Hague has been Featured:

The Harvard of How To Sell Homes

For over 40 years, Greg Hague has been recognized for developing and training effective home selling strategy. His latest 12-step process leverages scarcity, social proof, fear of loss, and opportunity to sell homes at higher prices. Multiple independent studies have shown that Mr. Hague’s strategies result in 8%-12% average higher prices for home sellers.

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Succeed in Business Doing Two Things

To succeed in business, it’s important to stand out; to have a meaningful difference. But that’s only half the equation. If you want to reach

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Make Me Feel Important

Everyone wears a sign around their neck that says, “make me feel important,” or MMFI. I learned about “make me feel important” when I was a

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