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how fathers change lives

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Chicken Soup collection of 52 inspiring stories about remarkable dads. What they do. What they say. How they change the lives of their kids.

Each story is shared by a daughter or son (age 4 to 81). This book is filled with family photos. The writing style is unique. It flows like melted butter and reads with a rhythm and smoothness rarely seen.

Read about the dad who coldly fired his son from the family business, but then helped that young man make a fabulous life. Or the father and son trucking along together on a dusty back road and what happened with that Playboy Magazine they found in the dirt.

Your heart will go out to four-year-old Janie Hite. She was born with serious medical problems that will endure for life. Read her story about a dad who reached out desperately in the middle of the night to save her life.

Endorsed by Tom Hopkins, author of many books including, Mastering the Art of Selling,  and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup fame), this may be the best book of 2013.